Judith Janda Presnall
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              Judy with books


This is me pictured with all my published books.  I have more than 30 books, all but one of them nonfiction.  Although I always loved reading books, I never dreamed that I would be writing books some day.  As a child, during the summers, I rode my bike about three miles round trip to the library.  My bike had a basket on it so I could check out lots of books.  I liked the library.  It was cool, and quiet, and smelled of books.  I read a lot.  During the cold winters of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where I lived, I read curled up next to a warm register.  At night in bed, I read under the covers with a flashlight.  I had to do this undercover work because I shared a room.

   Judy Fishing   Me, at age 10, fishing


When I graduated from the University of Wisconsin, I became a high school teacher.  I taught until my husband Lance and I had our first baby, named Kaye Lynn.  Five years later we added a boy, Kory Lee to our family.  I was a stay-at-home mom.  We moved to Southern California in 1978.

We have three cats:  Tigger, Madeline, and April.  They are good companions for us and for each other.

                    Cat named Tigger       Cat named Madeline        Cat named April

When I am not writing, I play Bridge, take classes in Body Conditioning and Yoga, and we take Round Dancing classes.  I am a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators as well as the California Writers Club.  Lance and I enjoy traveling.  We have been to Europe, China, Australia, Hawaii, Mexico, Canada, Italy, Ireland, and many states in America.